Kirk – 1970-71

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  • #34995

    JA — OK du har ret — Jeg tænkte slet ikke på slidmærkerne på indpakningen… Så fik også jeg styr på hvilken kasse vi snakker om 😉
    De Danske nr. er 914,915,916,917,918,919,920 –921 bruges ikke– og sættebilen har NL nr. 922… Hvis den overhovedet er kommet på markedet som DK model har den nok også været tiltænkt nr.922
    Med tanke på de”manglende Tekno ting, som døre der kan åbnes mv.ligner Spiegel kassevognen er hurtig løsning, for hurtige penge i kassen, efter et opkøb af Tekno ting. Vognen er udemærket, men den har ingen øget legeverdi, ud over at den kan køre.
    Man kan også vende den om. Var modellen allerede på bordet hos Tekno var nr. 921 så tiltænkt denne kasse bil model ?
    ELLER — Er kasse modellen kun lavet af Walco — Spiegel og Herz — kunne jo tale herfor. Så ville den enkle kasse, og evt.Tekno Denmark eller måske KIRK i bunden kunne forklares. Den lysere dør kunne også forklares. Man har ikke sorteret delene op i kulør nuancer, men bare samlet tingene. Walco skulle tjene penge på delene de havde købt og BR legetøj, var ude i en aggressiv reklame kampange, og opkøbte en del større private legetøjsforretninger, eller udmanøvrerede dem, i samme periode. Så en billig TEKNO reklame bil har ikke været af vejen.


    The Ford D800 in Walco box has no date anywhere so it is hard to tell if it came from Tekno or Kirk or the new Tekno 1972?

    My base has Tekno Denmark on it though. It is Ford D800 and No 915 on the box. Is it in the wrong box or they had no Spiegel boxes as it was a promo? verlaengerter ladeflaeche = long extended bed


    Yes – that’s what I think too. A quick way to make money.

    The car box is too simple, without opening parts. Therefore, it dont has its own no. anywhere. It could be started as a Algrema-Tnekno attempt, therefore there is a plastic car box. but they have not had time to get it into production, or sales, in Denmark. WALCO have bought the boxes and some trucks, and maybe a present half agreement with BR toys? My I’m in mind spin 😉 but it could explain why the trailertruck has no. 922 and this model dont have a no. BUT no 921 isn’t in use !

    BR-toys, are a toys retailer and wholesaler.started small in 1950 and took advantage of, that all suddenly may import or sell toys in Denmark. They ran hard in the 1970’s and bought or outmaneuver larger toy stores. The large in my town became BR-toys, still is, same place. The owner got an offer he could not refuse. Whent to Spain and lived his life there. BR has today 92 stores in Scandinavia.


    Jeg har kikket lidt på betegnelserne D800 og D0810. Jeg kan ikke finde et årstal for hvornår der sættes et -0- ind foran 800.
    Den virkelige bil kom i 1965 med forskellige motorer, og til forskellige vægtgrænser. I 1967 kommer en D1000 serie der bliver Største engelskproducerede Ford Lastbil. Den laster 28 tons, og trækkes af en 7,7L cummins Diesel motor. Jeg får det til at man her efter indføre -0- foran 800, eller senest i 1970´s begyndelse. Motorene bliver støre og D1000 bliver til mere, men den findes også i en D0607 serie. Den må jo så være mindre, både i motor og i laste kapacitet.
    Det hænger jo meget godt sammen med at, Tekno Denmark skriver D800 på æsken, Tekno Holland betegner modellen D0810. Det er så lidt morsomt at Tyske Walco også sælger modellen som D800. I Tyskland blev den rigtige lastbil solgt som en N-Serie i hele perioden 1965-1980. Men det kunne måske også tyde på en hurtig løsning, nemme penge ? At jeg siger sådan, er fordi vi var en del der også spillede bilkort. Så det skulle være rigtigt det der stod i kortene, og det der stod på æskerne med bilerne i. Ellers gloede vi på dem og udbrød noget i retning af ” Hva fann er det nu for noed? ) (den fik forresten firkantede forlygter i 1978)
    Hilsen Hans Jørgen


    I have added some of the ‘black box’ Kirks to the database. Also Peter’s bus – thank you, Peter.

    Are there others who have black box Kirks to add to hobbyDB?



    Hi: You write cital “Then in 1970-71, Tekno was replaced with Kirk on the baseplates.” Are you absolutely sure? is it not a little too consistent. Was the same models not sold as Tekno also, in 1970-71? I think that they did ?

    Hans Jørgen


    Since the contract ran out between Langes (Kirk) and Tekno, I assumed that Kirk stopped supplying the models to Tekno. But if Tekno had old stock, perhaps you are right. Both companies continued to sell them at the same time? After that is 1972, Tekno Algrema bought Kirk so if Kirk or Algrema had extra stock, perhaps the Kirk continued after 1971 as well?


    Perhaps and no no no – and NO —;-) The old agreement expired in 1969. The agreement made it illegal for H.Langes Toys / Kirk to sell their own goods to any other than Tekno. I would absolutely believe that Kirk continued to sell goods to Tekno, I’ve never heard otherwise. Why shouldn’t they? As I know, Langes / Kirk’s cars didn’t come to Tekno, but was distributed directly from Lange / kirk.
    The KIRK name was NOT used after 1970 only by WALKO who bought from ALGREMA a lot of old parts that read KIRK on. KIRK prohibited the use of these parts because they had not sold the KIRK name. A name that still exists.
    KIRK name is not to be used by others. I think perhaps thats why Dalia find the very old 230SL molds. They cant find anyone with 250SL and all 280SL molds says KIRK. THEN they use the quite old 230SL modes ?
    I do not know. But KIRK name may be used by KIRK only.

    As we write, the KIRK models get more and more sought after because they only was produced barely 2 years. 😉


    I am sorry – I do not understand your no no no!

    If the contract ended, and Kirk kept selling toys to Tekno, then the contract never really ended? I do not understand what you wrote. Sorry that I do not speak Danish, which makes it difficult for you.

    When did the Kirk models come out? In black box? In regular Tekno window boxes?

    My Walco boxes have both Kirk and Tekno in them – but since they are old, anyone could have replaced them over time.


    Kirk had a deal with Tekno not to sell to other than Tekno.1949-1969.

    The agreement ended in 1969. This means that kirk now was allowed to sell cars under its own name and to everyone else.
    It does not mean that Kirk dont sell cars to Tekno. OR- Why should they not sell cars to Tekno ? I dont onderstand.
    Therefore, I believe that there are cars coming from KIRK both with Tekno name, and KIRK name, in 1970 – 1971

    Kirk was and is a big company that has been around since 1892. Tekno cars were only a small part. When Algrema buy Tekno and Beleva who make Kirk cars they dont by the Kirk name.

    After 1971 no car is build with the Kirk name, because the Kirk name belong to Kirk Group A / S. That company was saved and continued to operate.

    Only the toy part was sold to Algrema.

    You write :
    Then in 1970-71, Tekno was replaced with Kirk on the baseplates.

    And I write: I think the cars came with both Tekno and Kirk name 1969-70

    Jaguar E, Mercedes 280SL, Mercedes bus, Ford D800, Oldsmobile, Monza.

    Porsche and Toyota was with the Kirk name only.

    WALCO was stopped by KIRK. They could not sell cars with Kirk name
    after Algeria had taken over.


    Oh! Now I understand. I was a little slow. Thank you for the detailed explanation.

    I had assumed that Kirk would not want to sell to Tekno anymore – maybe because they did not like each other or because they had become competitors. but I like your explanation better.


    Maybe they were competitors. But I do not think they were enemies.
    I think Porsche and Toyota were sold in Tekno box too but will not be hung up on it. Both are pretty good models. Especially the Porsche model would have been ok the next 15-20 years, but no one has made them after KIRK. It could be due to the name KIRK on the bottom. And the KIRK name was not to be used by any one but KIRK.

    And I’m sure I’ve seen a 300SL KIRK box (old Tekno box with KIRK label on) some where on the internet.But the car was with Tekno name.


    😉 NO – it was in a Tekno book —- and here…
    Mercedes-Benz 300SL KIRK in box but i think still with the Tekno name on the bottom

    Kirk biler og papæsker – Mercedes 300SL

    from the internettet. Toyota + porsche in Tekno box


    Saab 96 i blisterpack solgt af Kirk i Norge.

    These 96 models with different wheels were sold in Norway under “KIRK” marketing name in blister-packs with removed TEKNO-name on base-plate.

    Det var da en interessant oplysning jeg lige faldt over. Det forstærker jo også min holdning, at virksomhederne ikke var uvenner, men at de handlede sammen. (Tekno og Kirk) Man kan undre sig over at Tekno ikke selv stod for handlen i Norge ?

    mvh Hans Jørgen


    Hans Jørgen – fascinating information from Sweden. I wonder if the blister packs were the same as the Blist-Car in Denmark?


    Good question. I have asked the man. Hope he responds. it is apparently a German…

    Norway 😉 sold in Norway under Kirk marketing.

    Follow the link and he got all Tekno SaaB models.

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