725 Mercedes 220 Firecheif

Teknobiler og andet gammelt legetøj Fora Teknobiler 725 Mercedes 220 Firecheif

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  • #82553

    Christmas Greeting all
    I know this is what we would say a long shot or very little hope of success but
    here goes , I am looking for an interior for a Mercedes 725, I have the body and can get the other missing bits from Peter but I would like to restore it near as possible to the original look . Even a damaged one will do as most can be repaired , I am currently putting together a couple of orders for Peter so I am sure getting it back to me won’t be a problem if you can help .


    Jeg leder også efter nøjagtig den samme kabine til MB 220. Så hvis der skulle dukke flere op er jeg interesseret.



    Hi Shane & Torben.
    Wery nice cars these Mercedes.
    I have restored a cuple my self. One of them were missing the interior.
    I used one from a donor toy car, it looks quite ok.
    Best regards and mery christmas from Bertel.


    Hvad var doner bilen for en ? Bertel… Det ser Britisk ud ! men passer rigtigt godt.


    thank you for the best wishes , yes I may need to look at finding one from
    a different make .


    Hej HJW
    Du er inde på rette spor; Lone Star Roadmarsters, made in England.
    Det er en magen til den blå Cadillac, der var donorbil til Mercedes’en.
    Mvh. Bertel


    Oki doki — Den havde jeg dog slet ikke i tankerne 😉


    thank you Bertel Pederson , Lone Star are more available in Australia than Tekno so I should be able to find a wreck easily enough , in fact I think I may have a couple in a box somewhere .Happy now I can restore another Tekno


    Hi Shane.
    Please dont be so formel, call me by my first name or my nickname; Mr. Scania.
    For the best fit by size, look for the caddie.
    I think you should buy a standard steering wheel from Peter.
    The spedometer housing I made from a pice of aluminum.
    Your collector friend Bertel.

    Forside / Reservedele / Diverse reservedele / Rat standard, hvidt til Teknobiler

    Rat standard, hvidt til Teknobiler
    10,00 DKK

    Varenummer (SKU): 221a Kategori: Diverse reservedele


    Hi Shane
    Can you get som foto on forum ??👍🎄


    hi , Mr Scania again thanks for info , I think its best I don’t add any more orders to Peter at this time I already have an order or two with him .


    hi are you after a photo of the Lone Star or the conversion later on


    Just foto of your car in your collektion


    hi Flemming , I don’t have a display as such , no room , I only have a small half converted 1969 Caravan as a work area but hopefully have rest of caravan fitted out so I can get some display cabinets on the walls .My good lady won’t allow me to take over our small shack we live in , it’s only one room 9 x 7.5 meters so very minimal in what we can have sitting around . The first picture is my next lot of restoration which I will be able to keep and display , there are another 2 boxes of trucks , vans , ford v8 , dodge etc., that I am so looking forward to being able to show off in a display .

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