Corgi Toys Mustang

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  • #83074
    Flemming Rasch

    Jeg søger efter en Corgi Toys Ford Mustang magen til den på foto skal være med samme hjul som på foto
    Den skal være intakt uden mangler
    Mange hilsener
    Ms Super

    shane holmyard

    hi Flemming , I thought I had one of those but after a search I found 4 with plain
    spun aluminum wheels and 2 with wire type wheels but none with the 8 spoke type. I will keep looking for you one may come up for sale .

    Flemming Rasch

    Hi Shane
    So must the Mustang have 4 type weels 😁
    Du you hav the others in spares ??
    1 glat alu
    1 type spoken old type
    1 type spoken new type
    Spelt my bad english

    Bertel Pedersen

    Hej Flemming
    Spøjst at en bil kan have fire forskellige typer hjul.
    Din med 8 solide eger.
    Shane’s med “standard” drejede hjul, en med mange tynde eger og en med tråd eger.
    Mvh Bertel


    De glatte er de drejede hjul…. Dem med mange tynde eger er støbt….
    Den vej går det med alle corgi bilerne, og ses også på bla Landrover, der faktisk også kan have en tidligere helt glat hjul variant…Og de ender med whizz wheels — WAUUUU hvor lækkert…. Trådeger varianten anvendes vidst også til bla. MG-B … OG jeg mener at den med de solide eger der søges har samme hjul som bla. Porsche Carrera 6, og en eller ti racerbiler…

    Bertel Pedersen

    Jeg har en meget fin Corgi Jaguar E-type, hvor trådhjulene passer rigtig godt til.
    På en Mustang er de helt kiksede. Det er nok for at få brugt et restlager.

    Flemming Rasch

    Den Jaguar har jeg også et eller andet sted den er super flot med mange fine detaljer så som bagsæderyggen kan køre frem og tilbage alle døre og klapper kan åbne og lukke er faktisk rigtig solid
    Jeg kan huske at jeg legede rigtig meget med min den blev senere malet rød mener faktisk at jeg har den i gemmerne et sted i nu

    shane holmyard

    Hi Flemming I do have a duplicate of the plain aluminium or spun hub version but the wire versions are a little harder to find . If you would like it I can send it to you,the spun hub version that is .
    Peter has been very generous to me with Tekno items so if I can return the favour I am happy to do so , just so you are aware Mettoy the makers of Corgi models had a policy of nothing went to waste so they would use whatever was on hand to finish a production run , hence different wheels , decals , even paint, etc.

    Flemming Rasch

    Hi Shane
    Can you take some foto of the Mustang and wath the Price and hver are you sendt it from??

    shane holmyard

    hi Flemming , a few pictures of the Corgi 325 Ford Mustang Competition Model , take no notice of the race numbers these came with 4 sets of race numbers so number choice was up to the lucky child to pick out . The only problem with this one is damage to the suspension — very weak plastic very common fault — so it sits a little low . I am happy to send it to you from Australia for the cost of postage and a trade for a Tekno model once you have received the Mustang and are happy with it and I would not want cost of mailing until you have this model in your possession.My email address is included in the last picture .

    Flemming Rasch

    Nice foto but i Will weate i Got to manny Corgi
    I Got som Tekno blik parts maby you nits som
    Best from
    Flemming 👍

    Bertel Pedersen

    Hi Shane.
    I will love to trade the Corgi 325 Ford Mustang
    for a Tekno Ford T-Bird.
    Best regards Bertel.

    Bertel Pedersen

    Hi Shane.
    I do not have too many Corgi model’s .
    These are the latest additions to my collection.
    Corgi Datsun 240 Z (with plastic whizz wheels)
    Matchbox boat trailer – 2 “Chinese” models.
    Best regards Bertel

    shane holmyard

    hi Bertel,
    I am more of a Dinky Toys collector than Corgi although I do restore Corgi 267 Batmobiles they sell well and pay for my diecast addiction with Tekno models.

    Bertel Pedersen

    Hej Corgi fans.
    6. hjultype på Gorgi Toys biler: drejede “moon disc”.
    Dem kan jeg ikke lide, syntes de ligner standard hjul, som vender “forkert”.
    Lastbilerne har jeg med drejede, støbte og plastik hjul.

    shane holmyard

    hi Bertel , yes there are quite a lot of different hubs use on the Corgi models , with the Corgi La France fire engine are you missing one of the backwards facing firemen I can not promise but I may have one just have to find it .

    Bertel Pedersen

    Yes, it seems like I do. If you have one it would be nice.

    Bertel Pedersen

    Picktures; some of the other models in my collection.
    The Shell tankers have Tekno decals, from Peter.

    Bertel Pedersen

    More Pickturs

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