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  • #36317

    Der findes fine sider om bilerne, og om ingeniør sættene. Men der stopper de fleste Tekno oplysninger også. Jeg nørder så lidt med bilerne ind i mellem, men ellers har jeg kastet mig lidt over Tekno´s møbel produktion. Min mor havde nogen der gik til min søster. De er desvære alle væk i dag. Jeg har listet en ordentligt masse møbler men savner endnu en del oplysninger. Jeg har kontakt til Mona, der har en fin hjemme side over møbler. Hun har kunnet rette min liste lidt til, hvor jeg manglede et nr. eller havde sat forkert nr. til en model. Nu er spørgsmålet jo så om folket her på siden entydigt er til Bilerne ? 😉 eller der måske også har sneget sig et enkelt møbel eller to ind, i al hemmelighed. Jeg har nogen defekte der står og venter på cigarkasse træ snedkeren.
    Tekno har et samarbejde med T.H. Model-Møbler — Hven er de ? — Møblernes nr. er de samme nr. der bruges til ting fra Langes Legetøj fra 1949.
    Linket her under burde lukke op til min foreløbige liste. Og Mona´s link er der inde også

    Hilsen Hans Jørgen


    Great site, Hans Joregn!! I am sorry I have no mobler or any information.


    I have also started to look at things not manufactured by Tekno but from Japan with Tekno name on. I have a few no. and the original manufacturers names, and toys, in photos only. Some of these toys were also sold to other. One example is USA Marx tin friction motor, floor trains. It is a completely forgotten area.


    Could you add the Japan toys with Tekno name on your google site? I would love to see them.


    it’s not my pictures … I will return … Tin locomotive can be viewed at the link … Tekno no. 1052 …at the bottom, two in and three up… It was sold as Tekno … but also as MARX – American Flyer Lines with Sparks … There were sparks up the chimney. Marx had 3 carts. The locomotives as Marx, was in several colors. It was manufactured by SAN – Marusan Toys Japan — google on it.The locomotive have at least two types of wheels … When searching there are many locomotives that look like each other, so it is important to see especially the front end.

    I do not know no the age. SAN was founded in 1947. I think these tin things is from around 1950-55



    Hilsen Hans Jørgen

    Håber ikke vi bliver uvenner. Har lånt et foto fra “teknobil.dk” det står på foto. + et fra en gammel salgsannonce… Tekno name + made in denmark, on the front. I think the colors blue, silver and red are Tekno only.

    link – Japan tin toys


    Did Tekno import Japanese tin toys? or did someone later just put Tekno decals on a tinplate train? Is this the only example? Very interesting, Hans Jorgen!

    Hilsen Karl


    Tekno sold a lot of TEKNO things that was not made from Tekno! … Engineering sets were Trix copy, made by Tekno, with almost the same plans, build booklets, and numbering of things. Only a few parts Trix did not have, and vice versa. Part of the old machines were Märklin which from 1939 was copied. Some Tekno furniture, garages, etc. was not Tekno but was sold as Tekno. Many cars were not Tekno, but from Lange, just as the red machines. A traficlight signal from Joa sold as Tekno, a gyroscop from? found throughout the world. I bought one in 1976 in London! Tekno was also a wholesaler, and they have certainly tried with Japanese tin toys in perhaps 1950-55, the same time as the Schuco car. I seen two different tin trains with Tekno name and it says “made in denmark” below Tekno name. I have seen another box with tekno name, also a Japanese tin toys. I have many loose ends lying, there must be listed.
    Right now I am about to list my VW bubbles. Believe there are 800. Put them in to my Google page. Click on the factory name and a list of the models the company did / are doing, and reference to who was/is selling the same models.An ultrashort factory history is also at each. There are only photos of mine. I have some problems with the scale of Bandai and Tonka. A Tonka model I can not find on the web. While I make the VW list some Tekno info. pops all the time.


    Thank you for the details. I did know about Langes and then Kirk, but I did not know about the furniture, garages, gyroscope, traffic signal, tinplate toys!

    Very fun to learn about all the historical details! Tak!!

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