BP eller ej

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  • #69472
    peter frandsen

    Hej Hans-Jørgen

    Du har spurgt på om jeg er sikker på om bilen er fra BP. Det er den med stor sandsynlighed ikke. Jeg aner ikke hvor den kommer fra, men den er formentlig dansk.

    Jeg har i øvrigt fjernet den fra salgslisten.




    ja den kunne måske være en tidlig JOKER bil ? forbilledet er helt klart førkrigs USA bil i klasse med Ford, eller Chevrolet.
    Den er opbygget som Joker Bilen, der er udviklet så kofangerne holder. Vi har debateret den grønne renoverede bil der dog har sine kofangere endnu. Desværre er debatten ikke kommet længere. Den er og bliver foreløbigt “DEN MYSTISKE BIL”

    Men gummi dækkene burde sætte grænser for produktions tiden. enten før 1940 eller efter 1948 og så vil jeg faktisk tro at den egentligt er fra før 1940. Jeg har aldrig haft bilen i hånden. Men ud fra billeder osv. så kom man med den nye model efter krigen i 1948 – Joker Bilen – Dens design tåler næppe at være senere. Men jeg ved det ikke


    Before the Ford V8, the brothers made a more basic car, they called a ‘DKW’. Could this be it? See https://www.maronline.org.uk/old-bp-toys-from-denmark-part-ii/


    NO — DKW F7 or the later F8
    You can google them, for pictures.
    They were small cars similar in size to the Austin 7, or Bantam car, but longer because of the front wheel drive. They had open fenders (not closed) They did not have side boards and they had A, B and C, posts, but is as Coups too.
    The car here on the site is US inspired.
    We have heard of the BP car called DKW but we have never seen it. Is it just a story? or is it a fact?

    The DKW, was cheap cars. Just before WWII DKW made a production ready prototype F9 that was to replace the F8 and it was in direct competition with the VW beetle. It came after WWII first as IFA producing both F8 and F9 at the same time. The DKW model made in western Germany came somewhat later (1950)with the name 3=6, and ended up being in prices like the Opel Rekord.

    The funny story is that one of the people who started DKW after the war was named Piëch by name. His wife was born Porsche. Their son became head of DKW in the United States. DKW was renamed by Mercedes-Benz to AUDI and taken over by VW. Piëch became head of AUDI then the entire VW group and invented the words for AUDI “Vorsprung durch Teknik” But thats other stories.


    I have never seen that early BP so I was wondering if they called it a DKW but it looked generic? I drive an AUDI with four rings for…. Audi, Horch, Wanderer, and ….DKW! 🙂


    Yes — DKW started the 4 rings.. They did buy Audi only to sell the engines, to others, and Horch to get in to the luxury marked, and was told to take Wanderer, by the bank and the nazis. Later mr. Rasmussen, still Dane, was squished out of his busenis. He started the small truck thing under the name Barkas. Moved to Flensburg after the WWII, and then to DK, Bellahøj.
    After WWII DKW started up in 1949/50 in west.
    In DDR the old factories became IFA, trabant, Wardburg and MZ motorcycles, Trabant made in the Horch factory.
    Old BMW car became EMW. (From Bayrischer Motoren Werke to Eisenach Motoren Werke)

    Brochure photos… F7 like the F8.. Design not like the toy car, and all pre WWII. The F7 and F8 did not have a rear opening. To get in to the boot you flipped the rear seat. The cars was made of wood and fabric.

    Brochure photo… F9 (F91) not the same design at all. post WWII
    (IFA came out as the F9)

    Driving a AUDI you need thes book from the VW. “Rad Der Zeit” about all that DKW things

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